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5 Strategies I Followed to Read 52 Books in a Year.

First thing first, I have been taking time to write this article as I was unfortunately down healthwise due to COVID-19. As I am recovering now, I have gained back strength and collated the strategies I used to read 52 books in a year.

Yes, I am proud to say that I have read 52 books successfully using the three strategies. Below are the 3 tips that you can also incorporate for successful reading and grasping the content of books.

Everybody has been asking me how did I read 52 books in a year and Yes, I am proud to say that I have read 52 books successfully. How did I do it? It is doe by using the three below strategies.

Before listing your tips below, add one last sentence that sums up your paragraph or offers a smooth transition to your listicle.

Tip #1 - Plan Ahead

Yes, it’s a universal strategy. Why do we plan? Because life happens. Some days may not be the best and we may simply feel like doing nothing. But if you plan ahead then you can make a decision on when you can take off.

Tip #2 - Divide and Conquer

One strategy I myself used to successfully complete my goal is to check the number of pages of the books. later, I decide for a week, how many pages I need to read split the pages into 5 halves and start reading. For example, if I decide to read a book of 300 pages a week, then I divide them to 5 times which means I have to read about 60 pages a day. This helped in my focusing ability.

"When you believe in yourself, you are free to focus on improving yourself and reaching your potential"

Tip #3 - Speed Reading

"Speed reading is any of many techniques claiming to improve one's ability to read quickly. Speed-reading methods include chunking and minimizing subvocalization." - - Wikipedia

I also time to time did speed reading. I am quite sure that many people are aware of speed reading. You can find one definition from Wiki. However, I always used this strategy only if I was losing track of my goal. This technique has significantly contributed to my successful completion of 52 books in a year.

Tip #4 - Consistency

Keeping consistency is a significant key. Yes, for any task to be successfully accomplished you need to be consistent with your action. If not, you just keep making plans with no significant results. So, always remember consistency is the key.

Tip #5 - Pick Your Genre

Last year, I wanted to improve my mental health so I decided to invest in good self-help or motivational books and apply the strategy. And this year, I have decided to read data-related books. And that’s what keeps my interest going. Similarly, you have to pick your interest. It may vary and based on that, if you start reading, you can definitely keep up with your goal.

Action Time

Overall these were the 5 strategies that I incorporated to successfully read 52 books in a year. Planning, Divide and Conquer, Speed Reading, Consistency, and selection of genre will indefinitely improve your reading skills. Do try these strategies and make it a point to read at least 10 pages a day to improve your mind and thought process.

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