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Most Commonly Asked FAANG Interview Concepts - Part 4

Hi All, Hope you all had great weekend!! This post will be the last with respect to the FAANG Data Science Interview Concepts. For the last post, I decided to see what categories of concpets does each FAANG companies ask during their interview process. Let's us look into it below:


In Facebook data science interview process, they predominantly asks questions related to product usecases thereby they could test people with how familar they are with respect to their business acumen. Below are the top 3 categories where Facebook ask questions on.

  • Coding

  • Algorithm - In algorithm question perspective, they look for professionals with some software development expeerience

  • Product - usecases

Sample Questions:

investigate the discrepency in the product usage% - Product related

users activity per month day - Coding


Similar to Google interview concepts, Apple Data Science Interview is more well rounded as in they ask questions that focus on every aspects that a data scientist need to know. Below are the categories that Apple interview focuses on:

  • Coding

  • Algorithm

  • Modeling

  • Statistical

Sample Questions:

Users to bucket in meanginful segments - Modeling


In Amazon, as far as I see they predominatly look for candidates who have more of a full stack developer experience so they could deploy the modeling systems to production. Below are the top catgeories of concepts asked frequently for Amazon Interview questions:

  • Coding

  • Modeling

  • Algorithm:

  • Statistics

Sample Questions:

Neural Network and Logistic Regression - Modeling

Random Bucketing - Statistics (A/B test)


In Netflix, they look phd experience however you can also look for data analytics and work towards the data scienece position. They also focus on product questions similar to Facebook.

  • Coding

  • Product related

  • Modeling

  • Statistics

Sample Questions:

What do you know about A/B testing in context of streaming - Statistics


In Google, the interview questions for Data Science is more well rounded meaning they ask candidates questions that covers many covers such as below:

  • Coding

  • Algorithm

  • Modeling

  • Statistics

Sample Questions:

Common Friends Friend - Coding

Highly correlated Predictors - Modeling


Below are the sites to get the data science interview questions:

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Top Viewed Articles:

Part 1 , Part 2 and Part 3 of the FAANG interview series.


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